What’s it Like to Build a House in Croatia

Unless you want to spend tons of money (and even then) be prepared for heartache.

Feels like this at times.

Firstly, no one made me build a house. Could have renovated (but likely same problems) or rented, but noooo, American me must own a home and given the opportunity build it from scratch due to aesthetic/layout preferences. And therein lies the problem. So let’s talk about these very first world problems.


Most everything you have heard about this crew is true. Unreliable and uncommunicative to the point your sense of trust will take some serious hits. And even when people tell you it’s this way, you still hold out hope.

To be fair some woodworkers are really talented and fair in terms of pricing and when things can be finished, but it’s still a challenging process. Others will promise you deadlines and simply forget which year they are referring to. It can be that bad. Why so bad? Well, shortage of woodworkers for one, but also it’s still loosie goosie in terms of contracts and agreed deadlines. Always get deadlines in writing if you end up needing to hire a lawyer.


There are a ridiculous number of architects in Zagreb and probably in Dalmatia too at this rate. How to choose a good and professional one? Beats me. Well it can be done. Ask them for their project plan or at least an example and references. Be annoying. Otherwise, you will pay the price. We did. Still hurts a bit.

Plumbers and electricians

These guys are ok, but the biggest problem comes from placement and style of stuff. If you are used to North American aesthetic, you will have to stay on top of the nitty gritty. Here electric boxes are simply placed on walls and usually quite high up so you can’t even put a picture over them to cover them. This perplexes and disappoints me. Serious design challenges they create.

When it comes to plumbing, the norm is different here so if you want faucets built-in and want American style toilets always and I mean, always ask how the plumbing will work. Get specifics!

Bottom line

So is it worth it? Well, if my property value increases above what we spent, I think so…it’s that bad. The way things are going in Croatia, this should work out just fine and then some down the road. But lots of frustration and wasted money along the way and things I will want to change and fix. Ok ok…but my house. Yes, it will be gorgeous and ultimately I may never leave so all good.


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